Here's a few snippets from our life this week.

Joy and her busy hands! She did this to herself while playing in the bouncer one day, and she didn't really seem to mind it either, which was good since I didn't notice right away.

We had some friends over to play one morning this week. Funny how both my friend and I dressed our little girls in hot pink and denim. They have a baby boy who is 10 days younger than Joy, so our families are pretty similar right now.

Jasmine and Hope are known at church as the two
little girls with
lots of hair. :o) Here we were doing a puzzle together. The girls would hand me the pieces and I would put them in, then they would poke them out etc, etc.

Before they had to leave we thought we'd get a picture of the girls sitting together on the big stuffed doggie. But, as you can see, that was just what we Moms thought...

It worked a little better when we put Hope in the back. :o)

The many expressions of Joy Corinne Langemann...

Love that cheeky little grin.

And those adorable eyes bursting with life and adventure!

Daddy gives Joy her first piano lesson. :o)

Hope decides to join in. Hope's been into playing piano again, which blesses my heart. She wasn't interested for a while, but now she'll ask me "play p-ano" and want me to put her up on the bench to play.

Some of our Play Dough creations. "1 - 3 - 2" as Hope would count.

We also cut tree shaped cookies and made miniature peanut butter cookies. :o)

After a diaper and complete clothing change for Joy, I laid her on the nursery floor while I went to wash out her clothes. Hope plopped herself down beside her and started playing the xylophone. I glanced in there and Joy had a big smile on her face, hearing the jolly music and seeing her big sister.
Oh yes. Joy's not the only one who likes the bouncer. Hope even likes the baby toys. :o)