For some reason I didn't take many pictures while Josh was away this week. But here's a few of the ones I did take.

As to the videos...
Hope really likes to help take care of baby Joy, and she really, really wanted to try feeding her. It ended up quite a happy arrangement if I do say so myself. Hope fed Joy and I fed Hope. Yep. :o) Now, you must understand that Joy and eating have a love-hate relationship... One day she eats, the next she doesn't. One day she likes a food, the next she doesn't. But she always likes Mommy's milk. :o)
The giggles.... okay, so maybe I was tickling her legs... but was she ever in a gleeful mood!
And Joy and the baby stroller... that's the little munchkin's latest challenge - seeing if she can walk while pushing it. Trouble is, it's a lot lighter than she is and gets away from her easily. That doesn't stop her from trying though. :o)