Monday, June 10, 2013

Of Phones,Pajamas, and a Princess Party

 I asked Hope to "babysit" Philip for me for a few minutes while Joy was still napping one day, but she was also interested in having her few minutes of playtime on my iPhone, so she assured me she could watch Philip and play on my phone at the same time. :o)

 He seemed to think that was okay. ;o)
 A movie before bed (probably a Wed night, I usually have the children alone while Josh goes to church.) And of course, a snack. Joy's favourite. She asks for one every night. :o)
This was when Joy was cutting her lower 2-year old molars. Her tongue was constantly out, or her fingers were in her mouth, or she was rubbing her face against things. Sweet girl. Must have been an itchy experience.
 Two sisters from church are born on the same day, so their Mom and Dad hosted a fun princess party for all the little girls from church!
 The four-year old birthday girl, Tallulah.
And her wee sister, Petra, two-years old.
 Such a fun fountain, and yummy, probably-very-not-good-for-you punch!
 Josh was a chump, and hung out with the lot of us and held Philip a lot. :o)
 Time for food!
 Time for presents. Hope and Joy each helped pick out their gifts to give, and they picked the bags and wrapping paper themselves.
 A blob of excited girls, exchanging presents while Dad and Mom (Ben and Jenna) each helped a daughter with her gifts.
Joy got bored of the gift circle pretty quick, and found something more exciting to do. :o)
Hope had such fun with the games they played at the party.
Thanks for inviting us, Ben and Jenna! :o)

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