Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Then and Now

Hello Everyone,
And Happy New Year!
We are still living and breathing over here, though the breathing part has been a bit harder recently with continuous colds between the little ones and I over the last month and a half. :o)
I realize something has to change, for something has changed. It is a new season in our lives. A season with three little ones, soon to be four, and many opportunities to host people in our home and reach out to what really matters - the hearts and lives of people. 
Every time I thought I saw the way clear to sit down and blog over the past months, another need has overtaken it, and I have had to be okay with that. Noses to wipe, meals to cook, people to help. And then sickness, that has taken it's toll since the cold weather moved in to stay up here. The flu, the common cold, and the not so common cold. And as anyone with little ones knows, they tend to pass it back and forth and around between each other and sometimes you, despite your best efforts to keep a clean home. :o)
This is a season of long hours at the kitchen sink, and constant instruction or care to the little ones in my heart and home who are growing up.
It is time to teach my oldest how to read. The youngest needs to be trained to put away his toys. The middle child is learning to enjoy being a help to Mommy, and accepting the fact that she is getting to be a big girl too. Rhythm is life to her, and her pace is quick.
There are stories to read and stories to tell to my little people, and there is the story that we live every day, seen for the wonder and gift it is in the eyes of a child. The girls are learning how to paint, and their drawing skills blossom by the day. The boy doesn't walk yet, but his content nature is not meant for it yet.
And then there is the other "big person" in this home, my wonderful hubby, who loves me despite how completely spent I am by the time he finally gets home from work each day. He labours long and hard too, and the commute is not short.
I realize that you, my blog followers, are people too, and the blog is important to me for that reason. I feel I am supposed to keep working on maintaining the blog, but it needs to be in a new form, as there simply is not enough time in a week or day or month for me to post and update as much as I used to. I must accept this, and I am looking to the Lord to show me the new way in which I can still blog, and yet also be faithful to keep up with the needs of home and family and church.
Beyond that, I am not sure what to tell you. Stay tuned, for I know there is a way for this blog to stay alive and all us to stay alive too. :o) I am not sure if I will post highlight pictures from the past four months or so, or if I will just start fresh with snapshots of this calendar year, this week, or perhaps this day.
Too, I was blessed with a new computer for my birthday, a Mac! Totally new to me, but it was a gift that meant a lot to my hubby for me to have, and that I was very grateful to receive, for my old faithful Dell machine was becoming slower and slower and crashing more often than not. I am beginning to learn how to use this marvellous new machine, but I have very few hours to devote to it, and so it currently takes me longer to do every basic task on the computer while I learn and change my finger and brain habits! So, take that for what it is - an excuse maybe! Or an explanation. :o)
We spent three and a half wonderful weeks in Denver over the holidays, enjoying time with Josh's family. The weather was warmer there, so the girls enjoyed time at the playground a couple days. Here's a quick picture of each of my darlings as captured on my iPhone, which is becoming a most convenient camera and tool in my Mommy-hands. :o)

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