Saturday, January 5, 2013

Sunday, December 16th

Sunday morning is a busy time in our house. :o) Josh usually gets the girls dressed for me before he leaves early for worship practice, and then I try and finish up and get the kids and myself out the door on time. 
My handsome little man. Absolutely love the outfit and cool bib from one of Josh's co-workers.
I said in my last post I didn't like throwing a party for myself. I don't. But, I do like throwing a party, which I got to do for our Home Group that Sunday night.
Apple cider had been the request of the gang, so I made up a batch in the crockpot, which was barely heated through by the time they got here. Oops! Shhhhh....
It was kind of a Christmassy/birthdayish party, as Gaylene, the wife of our Home Group leader couple, had her birthday the following day. We both agreed to sort of throw each other a party together on the day in between our birthdays. My gift to her was hostessing, and her gift to me was "Strawberry Freeze," my other favourite birthday dessert. :o) Gaylene makes the best desserts, and blesses all of our Home Group-ees with her skill.
Hope couldn't wait to have some of the treats, and I decided there was no need to make her wait either, as she gets pretty distracted when everybody arrives. :o) So she helped herself to chips and baby oranges and Ritz crackers while we waited for everyone to arrive.
That was our Christmas tree for this year. Small, simple, fun.
Our "Group-ees" went together to get a couple gifts for our leaders, Jim and Gaylene as a thank-you/Merry Christmas kind of gift.
And wouldn't you know it! We had Jim and Gaylene (pictured later) open their gifts at the start of Home Group, and instead of doing our Bible Study in Philippians, we ended up playing one of the new games they received - Bible Taboo. It was incredibly fun, and while the gals swamped the guys in the first round, they sure gave us a run-for-our-money the second round. :o) The couple pictured above are Jeremy and Lindsay Nelson.
Josh, trying hard to hear the clues over the general buzz of racketous laughter going on in the room.
I just love watching people get into this game! That's Tyson Lawley, giving the descriptions there.
Joel and Kathlean Mitchell.
They they are - Jim and Gaylene, our wonderful mentors and spiritual parents. They help us search out the answers to hard questions, and live out their Christianity with open and honest hearts before us.
It was pretty funny to watch the wives "beep" their hubbies. Sorry Tyson and Steph... you guys didn't get to sit together that night. 
The newlyweds again. :o) (The newest newlyweds, that is... nobody in our group has been married more than a few years except Jim and Gaylene.)
Joy playing with Asher, Tyson and Steph's adorable boy.
Thankfully, Joy likes him, and is usually kind when they play together. He's just about to turn 1.
Miss Amanda getting some snuggles with the cute little dude.
And Joses, giving it his best shot!
We love the group we get to be part of . Except for Jim and Gaylene, everyone pictured here are new friends God has brought into our lives since our move to Spruce Grove three years ago, and we feel so blessed that God has chosen our journey to be walked alongside theirs.
One really special thing our Home Group does, is to give words of blessing to each other as our birthdays come around each year. It is always a humbling and powerful time.

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