Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Off to Ontario

Hi! Just crazy me doing one last blog post before heading out for a few days. Joy and I have the privilege of traveling to Ontario for the wedding of a friend. We fly from Calgary tomorrow afternoon. Josh and Hope are heading to Mum & Dad's farm for the Easter weekend. Joy and I return on Tuesday and I'll update my blog again sometime after that. :o)
Tummy time in the crib while I was doing something at that end of the hallway.
Bright blue eyes. :o)
Ahhh. Both girls contained for a minute or two. :o)
As always... "Hold Joy's fung-er."
I saw Joy playing with this music box earlier in the day, so thought I'd put it there for her again.
It only lasted a brief minute... but I think she was hungry. ;o)
Getting some Vit D while I prepared supper.
"Are you gonna share that container with me or not, Hope?"
I left the girls with Josh over breakfast this morning so I could get a but of concentrated time in on the packing for our trip. Four people heading two directions, each set having a girl in diapers takes a bit of work!
"Daddy picked these toys for me to play with Mum. Isn't life great?"

Here's a couple little videos of the girls at play. :o)

I thought it was a fun coincidence that the Josties "What Happy Is" was playing in the background. Such happy times, raisin' little one for Jesus. :o) Check out the song on if you haven't heard it. :o)

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